Valentine’s Day is Upon us Once More
The pressure is on to spend your hard earned coppers on cheap tatty sentimental rubbish so that your significant other will not be angry with you. You must also remember to book a table at a crowded restaurant that no doubt will serve you up some overpriced gruel accompanied by poor service. Dependent on your partner, this can be a hazardous gauntlet of expectancy to run, one which will inevitably be unfulfilling for both parties and conducive for a good old fashioned Valentines day row OR they’ll be equally as cynical and bitter as you, if so, best of luck!
As you sit opposite the love of your life staring silently at them, both realising you have nothing to say, surrounded by younger, more enthusiastic versions of yourselves, you say to yourself, “this is a load of horseshit, we would both be happier ignoring each other at home, I could watch the football, she could do her knitting, or whatever she does”. Routine bliss.
Valentine's Day is a Load of B****x
Yes, Valentine's day is a crock. For all you singletons out there moistening your cereal with tears, you think you're missing out on something when in fact it is you that should be grateful. Do not underestimate the value of peace. Do yourself a favour, with the money you would've squandered on some generic shite for some ingrate, buy yourself that new belt you fancy or a Google Chromecast (they're amazing). Look on the bright side, you don't have to share that bottle of wine.
You may say to yourself, 'what does this blog have to do with t-shirts?'. Well, absolutely nothing. However, on occasion, a date in the calendar pops up and we feel the need to say something. But don't mind our cynicism, hold your loved ones close, shower them with trinkets, sit down and watch, ‘Love Actually’, and relish this special day because you never know how long it will last.
Things we Suggest Doing with your Loved one this Valentine’s Day. If you Must.
1. The Viking Splash tour. Shout at people all over the city while wearing a Viking helmet and a lifejacket. Fun. Say you're a student, they never ask for ID. http://vikingsplash.com/
2. Go to Howth, take a walk around and feed the seals, and then yourselves in Wright’s Findlaters. Forget the fish, amazing chicken wings. http://findlater.ie/
3. Visit Whitefriar St. Church where the relic of St. Valentine lies. Disgusting, if you ask me but meant to be good luck, I think. Be warned, it can be jammers with smug loved-up couples at this time of year. http://www.whitefriarstreetchurch.ie/
4. Go for pints and dinner on the Big Blue Bus in The Bernie Shaw, amazing Valentines 3 course meal deal for €40.00 per couple (she never need know, but book asap as it is sure to fill up quick). https://www.facebook.com/thebigbluebus/
5. Go for a romantic stroll down the Canal and a dirty snog beside Patrick Kavanagh. (But be warned - If you break up, you'll never be able to go there again) Patrick Kavanagh Monument